Wowwy, two whole months since I've posted. Life has changed a lot since then.
Just a short summation would go as such...*ahem*
1) The family band has REALLY taken off! God has been good! You can go HERE (click on the "Stone Family Band" link) to see one of our most recent (and currently our largest) performances from a couple weeks back :)
2) We've moved. Yes, that's right. LONG story short, God provided people who wanted to rent our farm, we accepted, moved, cleaned, stored away and renovated our new home all in 3 weeks. Anna, Olivia and I all share a room now. That's quite interesting ;)
3) We have sold hundreds of CDs of both albums! Super stoked about that! (If you would like to purchase one, you can visit THIS page for purchasing details :)
4) I gave BB a haircut. Here's proof.
5) We've played at probably 20-25 venues since September. Not exaggerating.
6) I turned 21. My best friend, Sharon's birthday is 2 days after mine so we celebrated by going to Busch Gardens together. We had a lot of fun.
7) We celebrated Thanksgiving with my dad's family. A blast as always!8) Anna and I were asked to be bridesmaids in our cousin's wedding. EEP! 8)
9) Mom and I have been very sick. Thinking it's from stress...*cough*
10) Olivia's still shorter than me. Just for the record ;)
All that to say... I'm going to bed since it IS 1:30 a.m.
Goodnight readers (if any of you are still out there.)